Your family and friends will always be excited when they learn that you have purchased a new motorcycle. They will probably inquire a lot of things about your new ride, but one inevitable question that will always come up will be; "can I go for a ride?" If we are talking about a car, you might not hesitate to throw your car keys to your friends and tell them to enjoy their ride, but if it’s a motorcycle, you need to pause and think before you agree to their request.
The two fundamental questions that you need to ask yourself when your friend borrows your motorcycle are; does my friend have motorcycle insurance? And how does your motorcycle insurance policy from Southwest Insurance Center in Austin, TX cover other riders?
Does Your Motorcycle Insurance Cover Your Friend?
Typically, your motorcycle insurance policy may help to meet the cost of repairs, property damage, and medical expenses if you lend your motorbike to your friend and he/she wrecks it. However, whatever that is covered will largely depend on the type of coverage that you have on your policy. If your friend has a motorcycle insurance policy, then it might come in to cover other costs resulting from the accident.
What Happens After the Crash?
Motorists in all states are required to carry liability coverage. Therefore, if your friend injures another person or damages some else’s property while riding your motorbike, it’s your liability coverage that will cater for the resulting loss. However, your liability coverage in Austin, TX won’t cater for your friend’s medical expenses if he/she is the one who was at fault. The collision coverage might help to repair your motorcycle if your friend crashes it while the medical payments coverage will only come in if your friend wasn’t at fault. You should also keep in mind that every coverage has a limit.
Contact Southwest Insurance Center today for your motorcycle insurance policy.